Results for 'Identifying Neuropsychological Deficits'

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  1. Muriel D. lezak.Identifying Neuropsychological Deficits - 1991 - In R Lister & H. Weingartner, Perspectives on Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
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    Independence of Hot and Cold Executive Function Deficits in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.David L. Zimmerman, Tamara Ownsworth, Analise O'Donovan, Jacqueline Roberts & Matthew J. Gullo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:170424.
    Individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) display diverse deficits in social, cognitive and behavioral functioning. To date, there has been mixed findings on the profile of executive function deficits for high-functioning adults (IQ >70) with ASD. A conceptual distinction is commonly made between “cold” and “hot” executive functions. Cold executive functions refer to mechanistic higher-order cognitive operations (e.g., working memory), whereas hot executive functions entail cognitive abilities supported by emotional awareness and social perception (e.g., social cognition). This study (...)
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    Divergent patterns of cognitive deficits and structural brain alterations between older adults in mixed-sex and same-sex relationships.Riccardo Manca, Anthony N. I. I. Correro, Kathryn Gauthreaux & Jason D. Flatt - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:909868.
    BackgroundSexual minority (SM) older adults experience mental health disparities. Psychiatric disorders and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are risk factors for cognitive decline. Although older people in same-sex (SSR) compared to mixed-sex relationships (MSR) perform more poorly on cognitive screening tests, prior studies found no differences in rates of dementia diagnosis or neuropsychological profiles. We sought to explore the role of NPS on neurocognitive outcomes for SM populations. We compared cognitive performance and structural brain parameters of older adults in SSR and (...)
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    A Possible Association Between Executive Dysfunction and Frailty in Patients With Neurocognitive Disorders.Massimo Bartoli, Sara Palermo, Giuseppina Elena Cipriani & Martina Amanzio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Frailty is an age-related dynamic status, characterised by a reduced resistance to stressors due to the cumulative decline of multiple physiological systems. Several researches have highlighted a relationship between physical frailty and cognitive decline; however, the role of specific cognitive domains has not been deeply clarified yet. Current studies have hypothesised that physical frailty and neuropsychological deficits may share systemic inflammation and increased oxidative stress in different neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. However, the role of (...)
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  5. Hierarchies, similarity, and interactivity in object recognition: “Category-specific” neuropsychological deficits.Glyn W. Humphreys & Emer M. E. Forde - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):453-476.
    Category-specific impairments of object recognition and naming are among the most intriguing disorders in neuropsychology, affecting the retrieval of knowledge about either living or nonliving things. They can give us insight into the nature of our representations of objects: Have we evolved different neural systems for recognizing different categories of object? What kinds of knowledge are important for recognizing particular objects? How does visual similarity within a category influence object recognition and representation? What is the nature of our semantic knowledge (...)
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  6.  52
    Self-Awareness of Neuropsychological Deficits in Children and Adolescents with Epilepsy.Bradley J. Hufford - 2000 - Dissertation, Purdue University
  7. Differences in awareness of neuropsychological deficits among three patient populations.D. Ashley Cohen - 1999
  8.  17
    Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Features of COVID-19 Patients After Hospital Dismission: An Italian Sample.Veronica Cian, Alessandro De Laurenzis, Chiara Siri, Anna Gusmeroli & Margherita Canesi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Background and AimsRecent studies suggest cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impairments occur in patients after SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, studies are limited to case reports or case series and, to our knowledge, few of them have control groups. This study aims to assess the prevalence of neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric impairment in patients after hospitalization.MethodsWe enrolled 29 COVID+ patients who needed hospitalization but no IC, about 20 days post-dismission, and 29 COVID− healthy matched controls. Neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric assessments were conducted via (...)
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  9. Lesioned attractor networks as models of neuropsychological deficits.David C. Plaut - 1995 - In Michael A. Arbib, Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. MIT Press. pp. 540--543.
  10.  40
    The Role of Frontal-Subcortical Circuitry in Neuropsychological Deficit of Attention: Hypothesis and Results in Two Coagulation Disorders.Silvia Riva, Serena Oliveri, Chiara Fioretti, Marianna Masiero & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Editorial: Unawareness of Illness in Neurological Disorders: A Focussed Neurocognitive Approach Shedding Light on Neuropsychological Deficits and Neural Underpinnings Potential Association.Martina Amanzio & Sara Palermo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment: What's in a Name?Steven R. Sabat - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):13-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment:What's in a Name?Steven R. Sabat (bio)Keywordslabeling, mild cognitive impairment, recall memory, selfhood, stereotype threatCorner and Bond (2006) raise a number of important conceptual issues related to the problems involved in defining mild cognitive impairment (MCI), differentiating it from normal aging, the definition of normal aging itself, and ethical issues surrounding the possible adverse effects of a diagnosis of MCI on the individuals thus described. It would (...)
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  13. Developmental disorders and cognitive architecture.Edouard Machery - 2011 - In Pieter R. Adriaens & Andreas De Block, Maladapting Minds: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary Theory. Oxford University Press.
    For the last thirty years, cognitive scientists have attempted to describe the cognitive architecture of typically developing human beings, using, among other sources of evidence, the dissociations that result from developmental psychopathologies such as autism spectrum disorders, Williams syndrome, and Down syndrome. Thus, in his recent defense of the massive modularity hypothesis, Steven Pinker insists on the importance of such dissociations to identify the components of the typical cognitive architecture (2005, 4; my emphasis): This kind of faculty psychology has numerous (...)
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  14.  36
    Gender and Moral Virtue in Kant’s Critique of Judgment: The Third Critique as a Template for Identifying Feminine Deficit.Sarah Woolwine & E. M. Dadlez - 2015 - Southwest Philosophy Review 31 (1):109-118.
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    Theory of Mind Profiles in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Adaptive/Social Skills and Pragmatic Competence.Belen Rosello, Carmen Berenguer, Inmaculada Baixauli, Rosa García & Ana Miranda - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Theory of Mind (ToM) is one of the most relevant concepts in the field of social cognition, particularly in the case of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Literature showing that individuals with ASD display deficits in ToM is extensive and robust. However, some related issues deserve more research: the heterogeneous profile of ToM abilities in children with ASD and the association between different levels of ToM development and social, pragmatic, and adaptive behaviors in everyday life. The first objective of this (...)
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    Hallucinations emerge from an imbalance of self-monitoring and reality modelling.Kai Vogeley - 1999 - The Monist 82 (4):626-644.
    Hallucinations are among the most impressive of psychopathological symptoms and may appear in all the sensory modalities. They are the most common symptom in schizophrenia, where patients usually experience auditory hallucinations, often hearing voices which speak to them in direct communication or in the form of running commentary. One of the major research strategies in psychopathology during the last years has become the neuropsychological reconstruction of psychopathological symptoms in order to detect basic “core” deficits of the different symptoms. (...)
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  17. Longitudinal Neuropsychological Assessment in Two Elderly Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Case Report.Margarete Klein, Maria Aparecida Silva, Gabriel Okawa Belizario, Cristiana Castanho de Almeida Rocca, Antonio De Padua Serafim & Mario R. Louzã - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18. The Handbook of Cognitive Neuropsychology: What Deficits Reveal About the Human Mind.Brenda Rapp (ed.) - 2001 - Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis.
    Indeed, data from impaired performance have often played a central role in our understanding of the skills and abilities of the human mind/brain This volume ...
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  19.  91
    Unawareness of deficits in neuropsychological syndromes.S. M. McGlynn & Daniel L. Schacter - 1989 - Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 11:143-205.
  20.  13
    A Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Framework to Address Cognitive and Neurobehavioral Impairments After Strokes to the Anterior Communicating Artery.Ramiro Cruces, Indhira Muñoz-García, Santiago J. Palmer-Cancel & Christian Salas - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Patients with strokes to the Anterior Communicating Artery pose an important challenge to rehabilitation teams due to a particular mix of cognitive and behavioral impairments. These deficits often compromise engagement with rehabilitation, learning and generalization. The goal of this article is to describe the long-term presentation of a patient with an ACoA stroke as well as her rehabilitation needs and the many challenges experienced by the rehabilitation team when attempting to facilitate functional, vocational and psychosocial recovery. Based on this (...)
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  21.  54
    Clinical and neuropsychological correlates of impaired awareness of deficits in alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease: A comparative study.Benjamin Seltzer, Jennifer J. Vasterling, Charles W. Mathias & Angela Brennan - 2001 - Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology 14 (2):122-129.
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    Neuropsychological Assessment of Older Adults With Virtual Reality: Association of Age, Schooling, and General Cognitive Status.Camila R. Oliveira, Brandel J. P. Lopes Filho, Cristiane S. Esteves, Tainá Rossi, Daniela S. Nunes, Margarida M. B. M. P. Lima, Tatiana Q. Irigaray & Irani I. L. Argimon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355603.
    The development of neuropsychological assessment methods using virtual reality (VR) is a valid and promising option for the detection of cognitive impairment in the older people, focusing on activities composed of tasks of multiple demands. This study verified the association of age, schooling, and general cognitive status on the performance of neurologically healthy older adults in ECO-VR, a virtual reality task of multiple demands for neuropsychological assessment. A total of 111 older adults answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini (...)
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  23.  10
    The misidentification syndromes and source memory deficits with their neuroanatomical correlates from neuropsychological perspective.Rafał Sikorski & Emilia J. Sitek - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e376.
    The suggested model is discussed with reference to two clinical populations with memory disorders – patients with misidentification syndromes and those with source memory impairment, both of whom may present with (broadly conceived) déjà vu phenomenon, without insight into false feeling of familiarity. The role of the anterior thalamic nucleus and retrosplenial cortex for autobiographical memory and familiarity is highlighted.
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  24. Executive function and language deficits associated with aggressive-sadistic personality.Anthony C. Ruocco & Steven M. Platek - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):239-240.
    Aggressive-sadistic personality disorder (SPD) involves derivation of pleasure from another's physical or emotional suffering, or from control and domination of others. Findings from a head-injured sample indicate that SPD traits are associated with neuropsychological deficits in executive function and language, suggesting difficulties in frontal-lobe-mediated self-regulation of aggressive and emotional impulses. Implications for rehabilitation of aggressive offenders are discussed.
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  25. What neuropsychology tells us about consciousness.Ran Lahav - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (1):67-85.
    I argue that, contrary to some critics, the notion of conscious experience is a good candidate for denoting a distinct and scientifically interesting phenomenon in the brain. I base this claim mainly on an analysis of neuropsychological data concerning deficits resulting from various types of brain damage as well as some additional supporting empirical evidence. These data strongly point to the hypothesis that conscious experience expresses information that is available for global, integrated, and flexible behavior.
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    What kind of deficit?: Problems of legitimacy in the European Union.Daniel Innerarity - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (3):307-325.
    We are still unable to correctly identify the true crisis in Europe: whether it is a question of a lack of a demos or cratos; whether it is the democracy, legitimacy, or justice that is inadequate; whether we are facing a problem of intelligibility or of too little politicization. The article begin the analysis with three hypotheses: (1) none of the attempts to explain the crisis that focus on a single deficit or weakness seems satisfactory, so the discussion should focus (...)
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  27.  12
    The Neuropsychology of Emotion.Joan C. Borod (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This volume represents a comprehensive overview of the neuropsychology of emotion and the neural mechanisms underlying emotional processing. It draws on recent studies utilizing behavioral paradigms with normal subjects, the brain lesion approach, clinical evaluations of patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders, and neuroimaging techniques. The book opens with an introduction summarizing each chapter and pointing to directions for future research. The first section is on history, the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of emotion, and techniques that have been widely used to (...)
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    The neuropsychology of schizophrenia.J. A. Gray, J. Feldon, J. N. P. Rawlins, D. R. Hemsley & A. D. Smith - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):1-20.
  29. The Deficit View and Its Critics.Dinishak Janette - 2016 - The Disability Studies Quarterly 36 (4).
    This paper investigates what it is to understand human differences in terms of deficits and examines criticisms of this approach. In the past few decades, across many fields of inquiry and outside the academy there has been a surge of interest in critiquing "the deficit view" of all manner of group differences and deviations from the norm. But what exactly is meant by "deficit view" and related terms when they figure in accounts of human differences? Do critics of the (...)
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    Visual Neuropsychology in Development: Anatomo-Functional Brain Mechanisms of Action/Perception Binding in Health and Disease.Silvio Ionta - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:689912.
    Vision is the main entrance for environmental input to the human brain. Even if vision is our most used sensory modality, its importance is not limited to environmental exploration. Rather it has strong links to motor competences, further extending to cognitive and social aspects of human life. These multifaceted relationships are particularly important in developmental age and become dramatically evident in presence of complex deficits originating from visual aberrancies. The present review summarizes the available neuropsychological evidence on the (...)
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    Trust Deficit and Anti-corruption Initiatives.Ismail Adelopo & Ibrahim Rufai - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):429-449.
    This study explores the ways in which trust deficit undermines anti-corruption initiatives in a context with systemic corruption. Anti-corruption measures as panacea to systemic corruption are not new, but their effectiveness is debatable. Whilst understanding the causal relationship between corruption and trust remains germane to fighting corruption, a growing number of recent studies advocate better context sensitivity in developing anti-corruption initiatives. Consistent with this, we unpack the perceptions of a significant section of the population in which corruption is rampant to (...)
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    Il deficit pragmatico a seguito di TCE: un approccio fenomenologico alla riabilitazione.Elia Zanin & Alec Vestri - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (3):341-354.
    Riassunto: Tra i disturbi del linguaggio, il deficit di tipo pragmatico viene spesso osservato nelle persone a seguito di trauma cranio-encefalico. Nonostante sia negletta nella pratica clinica, questa componente gioca un ruolo centrale nella qualità di vita di persone con TCE. L’aspetto peculiare del deficit di tipo pragmatico è la sua natura intrinsecamente connessa sia ad altre capacità di tipo cognitivo che relazionali delle persone fin nella storia pre-morbosa. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è proporre un punto di vista teorico che, (...)
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    Music and neuro-cognitive deficits in depression.Prathima A. Raghavendra, Shantala Hegde, Mariamma Philip & Muralidharan Kesavan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundCognitive deficits are one of the core features of major depressive disorder that play crucial role in functional recovery. Studies have explored cognitive deficits in MDD, however, given inconsistent results, especially in mild-moderate MDD. Recently, studies have explored music as cognitive ability in various clinical conditions. In MDD, large focus has been on evaluating emotion deficits and just a handful on music cognition. With growing evidence on use of music based intervention to target cognitive deficits, it (...)
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    “Shallow Draughts Intoxicate the Brain”: Lessons from Cognitive Science for Cognitive Neuropsychology.Karalyn Patterson & David C. Plaut - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):39-58.
    This article presents a sobering view of the discipline of cognitive neuropsychology as practiced over the last three or four decades. Our judgment is that, although the study of abnormal cognition resulting from brain injury or disease in previously normal adults has produced a catalogue of fascinating and highly selective deficits, it has yielded relatively little advance in understanding how the brain accomplishes its cognitive business. We question the wisdom of the following three “choices” in mainstream cognitive neuropsychology: (a) (...)
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  35. Neuropsychological functioning and recall of research consent information among drug court clients.David S. Festinger, Kattiya Ratanadilok, Douglas B. Marlowe, Karen L. Dugosh, Nicholas S. Patapis & David S. DeMatteo - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (2):163 – 186.
    Evidence suggests that research participants often fail to recall much of the information provided during the informed consent process. This study was conducted to determine the proportion of consent information recalled by drug court participants following a structured informed consent procedure and the neuropsychological factors that were related to recall. Eighty-five participants completed a standard informed consent procedure to participate in an ongoing research study, followed by a 17-item consent quiz and a brief neuropsychological battery 2 weeks later. (...)
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    Marrying Past and Present Neuropsychology: Is the Future of the Process-Based Approach Technology-Based?Unai Diaz-Orueta, Alberto Blanco-Campal, Melissa Lamar, David J. Libon & Teresa Burke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A cognitive assessment strategy that is not limited to examining a set of summary test scores may be more helpful for early detection of emergent illness such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and may permit a better understanding of cognitive functions and dysfunctions in those with AD and other dementia disorders. A revisit of the work already undertaken by Kaplan and colleagues using the Boston Process-Approach provides a solid basis for identifying new opportunities to capture data on neurocognitive processes, test-taking (...)
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  37.  54
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Defining a spectrum disorder and considering neuroethical implications.J. M. Swanson, T. Wigal, K. Lakes & N. D. Volkow - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian, Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press.
    Prospective follow-up studies have shown that even though some children outgrow the disorder, a childhood diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is clearly a risk factor for a broad range of adverse outcomes, with extremes including drug abuse and juvenile delinquency. This article considers the use of several spectrum concepts and some neuroethical issues. It provides a list of criterion symptoms with a threshold set for the number of symptoms required for categorical diagnoses of disorders. It gives a brief review (...)
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    Variability in Single Digit Addition Problem-Solving Speed Over Time Identifies Typical, Delay and Deficit Math Pathways.Robert A. Reeve, Sarah A. Gray, Brian L. Butterworth & Jacob M. Paul - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  39. Underwhelming force: Evaluating the neuropsychological evidence for higher‐order theories of consciousness.Benjamin Kozuch - 2021 - Mind and Language 37 (5):790-813.
    Proponents of the higher‐order (HO) theory of consciousness (e.g., Lau and Rosenthal) have recently appealed to brain lesion evidence to support their thesis that mental states are conscious when and only when represented by other mental states. This article argues that this evidence fails to support HO theory, doing this by first determining what kinds of conscious deficit should result when HO state‐producing areas are damaged, then arguing that these kinds of deficit do not occur in the studies to which (...)
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  40.  26
    The challenge of neuropsychological assessment of visual/visuo-spatial memory: A critical, historical review, and lessons for the present and future.Unai Diaz-Orueta, Bronagh M. Rogers, Alberto Blanco-Campal & Teresa Burke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A proliferation of tests exists for the assessment of auditory-verbal memory processes. However, from a clinical practice perspective, the situation is less clear when it comes to the ready availability of reliable and valid tests for the evaluation of visual/visuo-spatial memory processes. While, at face value, there appear to be a wide range of available tests of visual/visuo-spatial memory, utilizing different types of materials and assessment strategies, a number of criticisms have been, and arguably should be, leveled at the majority (...)
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  41.  16
    The Role of Virtual Reality in Screening, Diagnosing, and Rehabilitating Spatial Memory Deficits.Miles Jonson, Sinziana Avramescu, Derek Chen & Fahad Alam - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Impairment of spatial memory, including an inability to recall previous locations and navigate the world, is often one of the first signs of functional disability on the road to cognitive impairment. While there are many screening and diagnostic tools which attempt to measure spatial memory ability, they are often not representative of real-life situations and can therefore lack applicability. One potential solution to this problem involves the use of virtual reality, which immerses individuals in a virtually-simulated environment, allowing for scenarios (...)
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    Psychopathological and neuropsychological disorders associated with chronic primary visceral pain: Systematic review.Alejandro Arévalo-Martínez, Juan Manuel Moreno-Manso, María Elena García-Baamonde, Macarena Blázquez-Alonso & Pilar Cantillo-Cordero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The World Health Organization, in its last review of its International Classification of Diseases, established a new classification for chronic pain. Among the principal categories, of particular interest is chronic primary pain as a new type of diagnosis in those cases in which the etiology of the disease is not clear, being termed as chronic primary visceral pain when it is situated in the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis. Due to the novelty of the term, the objective of the systematic review (...)
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  43. Self-awareness and memory deficits in sub-acute traumatic brain injury.Shelley Marie Gremley - unknown
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    The democratic deficit of the G20.Sören Hilbrich - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 18 (2):248-266.
    In the last few decades, the democratic credentials of global governance institutions have been extensively debated in the fields of international relations and political philosophy. However, despite their prominent role in the architecture of global governance, club governance institutions like the Group of Seven (G7) or the Group of Twenty (G20) have rarely been considered from the perspective of democratic theory. Focussing on the G20, this paper analyses its functions in international political practice and discusses whether, in exercising these functions, (...)
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    Evaluating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children and adolescents through tracked head movements in a virtual reality classroom: The effect of social cues with different sensory modalities.Yoon Jae Cho, Jung Yon Yum, Kwanguk Kim, Bokyoung Shin, Hyojung Eom, Yeon-ju Hong, Jiwoong Heo, Jae-jin Kim, Hye Sun Lee & Eunjoo Kim - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder is clinically diagnosed; however, quantitative analysis to statistically analyze the symptom severity of children with ADHD via the measurement of head movement is still in progress. Studies focusing on the cues that may influence the attention of children with ADHD in classroom settings, where children spend a considerable amount of time, are relatively scarce. Virtual reality allows real-life simulation of classroom environments and thus provides an opportunity to test a range of theories in a naturalistic and (...)
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  46. Detection of Executive Performance Profiles Using the ENFEN Battery in Children Diagnosed With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Ignasi Navarro-Soria, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, José Manuel García-Fernández, Carlota González-Gómez, Marta Real-Fernández, Marta Sánchez-Múñoz de León & Rocío Lavigne-Cervan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children and adolescents. People who have this disorder are characterized by presenting difficulties in the processes of sustained attention, being very active, and having poor control of their impulses. Despite the high prevalence of this disorder and the existence of various tests used for its diagnosis, few data are available regarding the usefulness and diagnostic validity of these tools. Given the difficulties that these subjects present in executive functions, (...)
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    Awareness of Deficit After Brain Injury: Clinical and Theoretical Issues.George P. Prigatano & Daniel L. Schacter (eds.) - 1991 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This volume provides, for the first time, multidisciplinary perspectives on the problem of awareness of deficits following brain injury. Such deficits may involve perception, attention, memory, language, or motor functions, and they can seriously disrupt an individual's ability to function. However, some brain-damaged patients are entirely unaware of the existence or severity of their deficits, even when they are easily noticed by others. In addressing these topics, contributors cover the entire range of neuropsychological syndromes in which (...)
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  48.  22
    Shared and Distinct Patterns of Functional Connectivity to Emotional Faces in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Children.Kristina Safar, Marlee M. Vandewouw, Elizabeth W. Pang, Kathrina de Villa, Jennifer Crosbie, Russell Schachar, Alana Iaboni, Stelios Georgiades, Robert Nicolson, Elizabeth Kelley, Muhammed Ayub, Jason P. Lerch, Evdokia Anagnostou & Margot J. Taylor - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Impairments in emotional face processing are demonstrated by individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which is associated with altered emotion processing networks. Despite accumulating evidence of high rates of diagnostic overlap and shared symptoms between ASD and ADHD, functional connectivity underpinning emotion processing across these two neurodevelopmental disorders, compared to typical developing peers, has rarely been examined. The current study used magnetoencephalography to investigate whole-brain functional connectivity during the presentation of happy and angry faces in (...)
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    Deficits in affiliative reward: An endophenotype for psychiatric disorders?Alfonso Troisi & Francesca R. D'Amato - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):365-366.
    Depue & Morrone-Strupinsky's (D&M-S's) model of affiliation meets the criteria advanced for the definition of behavior systems and endophenotypes. We argue that its application in psychiatry could be useful for identifying a biological pathophysiology common to a variety of conditions that are currently classified in very different categories of psychiatric nosography, including autism, schizoid personality, primary psychopathy, and dismissing attachment.
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  50. Rapid visual-motion integration deficit in autism.Bruno Gepner & Daniel Mestre - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (11):455.
    We propose here that a visual-motion integration deficit constitutes a crucial neuropsychological marker for at least a subgroup of ASD.
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